Here, we want to provide services that maintain the same quality as our products. Down below are some Q&A's to clear up any questions you may have. If you still have more questions that aren't covered below, please refer to the Contact us page.
Q: What is a Launch and Stability Control Surface?
A: A Launch and Stability Control Surface (LSCS) is the primary stability panel used to monitor and fix any problems involving control of the rocket.
Q: How does it work?
A: Well, we use tiny Gyroscopes placed in important parts of the rocket that send data signals first to the nose cone. The data signal is then sent and interpreted in the panels software. Then, after the signal is interpreted and any problems are fixed it sends a signal back to the nose cone where it is then told where any problems are. The gyroscopes get the signal from the nose cone and slightly move the rocket as needed.